Opinion Kirill Mikhailov Opinion Kirill Mikhailov

Why Did Coffee Get So Popular?

Coffee has gone through a sort of rebranding in the past couple decades that has seen it become an iconic staple in our daily lives and culture. No longer is it just a cup of warm, bitter liquid we routinely drink when we get in the office every morning. It has gone from being a routine to a ritual, and there’s a difference.

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Opinion Kirill Mikhailov Opinion Kirill Mikhailov

Music in the Year 2070

Technology advancements have not only allowed us to develop new and refined instruments, but allowed us to accelerate and simplify the process of sharing music around the world, creating a melting pot of ideas and inspirations that form the quickly ever-evolving music landscape. This begs the question, what kind of music will we be listening to in 50 years?

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